Sunday, November 14, 2010

In-Page Analytics

Before, we had the site overlay report in Google Analytics. This report displayed the percentage of clicks, transactions and goals for standard links within a page. The past 15 of October, the site overlay report was replaced in GA with then new In-page Analytics. The site overlay report was a great tool to do click density analysis and was very useful for those who had to do analysis of websites that rarely use. In other words it was great to facilitate the work of agencies who have to analyse data from different customers. However, the report was missing lots of features. Google has improved Site overlay in different ways helping out people to understand two things: the performance of a page better and how visitors are using the page in a website.

The main reason for using In - page Analytics is to keep the visual context that can not be kept when using the navigation report. My recommendation is:

  • Look at the link with bigger percentage of clicks, this percentage is displayed inside bubbles .After you have done that, look at the statistic information that these links are giving you. For instance, percentage of transactions, revenue, goal value and number of goals completed.
  • Ask yourself if the links most people are clicking are the links you want that people actually click on. Believe me, you can find surprises (like most of your visitors clicking on the help tab or in a link you never thought).
NOTE: When doing your analysis be careful with some things within the In-page report. If you see dotted bubbles , it means that the page has more than one link to the same url. In-page Analytics makes easier to identify where are the other links to the same destination highlighting (in gray) them when you look at the statistic information of the dotted bubbled.

  • Follow the links to see what people do after they reach the next page. One of the greatest features added to this report is that in the left side of the report you can see not only the content details stats for that page, but also the list of inbound and outbound sources. Therefore, you are able to know from where the visitors have been driven to this page and where are they going after.
You could also check out traffic information filtering by visitor type, city, region, referrals, campaigns and technical data as well. And if the filters are not enough, you can apply advanced segments to this report. What is this useful for? Let’s say that you send an email campaign promoting a specific product. You could compare referrals from that campaign with the rest of the visitors and check if the behaviour is similar or not.

Personally, I think the In-page Analytics reports is a great feature, but it’s not perfect. You need to be careful with dynamic links or buttons within a form which the information is not displayed in this report. Therefore do not make assumptions about the performance of your forms using this feature.

Also, it will be very useful to see where people are clicking even when there’s not a link present. This is very useful to identify when images are confused with links and will give you powerful tools to improve the performance of your landing pages. So, enjoy playing with the In-page Analytics and take the most of it as it is at the moment.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Gold Medal to Custom Variables

On this occasion I have to give the gold medal to Custom Variables, yes, I've been using Custom Variables in Google Analytics since October last year. I can honestly say they have been the solution to almost every problem (and the answer for every excuse presented to me for not using Google Analytics). Most importantly, after implementing the solution and trying it, they are happy with the results!

Usually I would talk about the coding and the implementation in detail but this time I just want to list and expand on ideas for using custom variables as a solution for some of your needs.

1. First and Last Click Attribution

By default Google Analytics presents the source and medium of the conversion based on the last click that generated the conversion. However, many clients want to know which one was the final touch point that generated the purchase, enrolment, download, etc.. Using custom variables at visitor level we can obtain such information.

Imagine you have different campaigns (not only AdWords campaigns) for a specific product. If visitors come to your site for the first time as a result of an email campaign, you could set two Custom Variables; CVSource and CVMedium. To make this work you will need to add a piece of code to check if the Custom Variable is set or not. If the CVSource and CVMedium are undefined you will need to set them, otherwise don't do anything.

Now suppose a visitor has spent some time on your site but he/she doesn't complete the goal e.g buy the product. Then a few days later, the same visitor comes to your site from a link posted on Twitter and this time he/she completes the purchase. In a normal scenario you would see the purchase came from Twitter which is true but you want to know which campaign generated his/her first visit and maybe analyse why the first one didn't work whereas the second source did?

Using Custom Variables and the technique I outlined above (remember no excuses) you can determine which initial touchpoint started the momentum toward the final conversion. You don't have to give 100% of the credit for the conversion to the last source, you can split it between the first and last source to see which is better and how the campaigns work together.

2. Sections - Categories

Sometimes you have different content to present to visitors and different goals classified by categories in your website. These categories could be presented as part of the menu, lists, sub-menu, etc. You could then set Custom Variables for a session level or in some cases for a visitor level. As a result you can identify the category that has been visited most much more easily than filtering by content in your content report in Google Analytics. This also allows you to check which categories are driving more visitor to complete a particular goal and which ones are the most effective for converting or completing goals.

3. Segmentation by Type of Information

3.1 Demographic

Many sites use forms to collect information required for purchasing products or services. Awareness of trends in the market and understanding customer/client needs are important to targeting the right audience at the right time with a campaign to promote a product or service.

Imagine your marketing team has created two new ads; one targeting young females and the other targeting families. If the customer already has a login and has previously entered information such as age, gender, income and occupation this makes it easy to segment them and target the ads.

3.2 Location

Not all the classifications defined for a location are available by default in Google Analytics because they are not standard for each country. You can see your reports segmented by ontinent, Country/Territory, Sub Continent Region and City but what if you would like to see that information classified by State/Province or by smaller locations inside the City e.g. by suburb. Use Custom Variables! It's up to you to find creative ways of capturing the specific locations your visitors are coming from but if you can access that data you can assign that value to your Custom Variable in a visitor or session scope.

4. Comments and Rating

If you have implemented a plugin or tool to add comments to your articles for example in a blog or rating a product or service. You could use Custom Variables to see how many commentators rate your product, service or blog post 'good' or 'bad'.

Let's say you set a Custom Variable call Ratings_Feedback with two values 'Good' or 'Bad'. Then, each time someone rates a particular element in your website the value will be stored in the Custom Variable. You can then look at your reports and find out: how many ratings you have; how many visitors out of the total using the plugin tool; and how many rate a specific product or service as 'good' or 'bad' etc.

I have found using Custom Variables very interesting and effective for all sorts of challenges, and great for insights into using the e-commerce tracking code and/or event tracking. My final suggestion, before you start implementing Custom Variables across your site is to analyse your needs very carefully. Try to find if you can get the data you want to see with the default dimensions and metrics provided by the UI.

If it is not possible to do it with the standard tracking code, e-commerce tracking code, virtual pageviews and/or event tracking, then take time to define and design the use of the Custom Variable. By following my advice (remember no excuses) you are sure to get the right information you need to segment and analyse your data for great results!

I hope sharing my ideas for using Custom Variables will help you experience the benefits of this excellent feature provided by Google Analytics, and of course make your reports easier, more effective and more impressive!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pivot Tables in Google Analytics

If I ask: how many times have you use Pivot tables, probably you will answer hundreds of times in Excel, but if I ask: have you use pivot tables in Google Analytics? maybe your answer will be, I didn't know GA has pivot tables!. For almost a year this feature has been present in the GA reports, but not many people know it despite of its great benefits. As you know the default view for the reports in GA is table, where you can see the information organized by columns and rows by 1 or 2 dimensions but you can't group them unless you use advanced segments.

However, an easier way to use a multi - dimensional view and compare results in a same table is using the pivot table feature. Using this feature you can rearrange significant information without exporting the data and importing it to an external spreadsheet. More important, you can do this on the fly because you are interacting with updated information directly in the application. Now, you can find this feature in many reports at the 5th column of the list of Views.

Although the pivot table is available in most of the reports, I have taken the time to check for you each section. Below there is the list of the reports where you can use the pivot table view.

Sub - Section
Main Level
News Vs Returning


Custom Variables

Browser Capabilities

Operating System

Browser and OS

Screen Color

Screen Resolution

Flash Version

Java Support

Network Properties
Service Providers


Connection Speeds

Mobile Devices

Mobile Carriers
Traffic Sources
Main Level
Direct Traffic

Referring Sites

Search Engines

All Traffics

AdWords Campaigns

TV Campaigns



Ad Versions
Main Level
Top Content

Content by Title

Top Landing Pages

Top Exit Pages

Event Traffic



Product Performance
Product Overview

Product SKUs


Main Level

Let's look at some ideas where you can use this report. Imagine you want to see the visitor trend by type (news vs returning) grouped by Browser, and to compare the performance of each one of them, maybe number of visits vs pages/visits or bounce rate, so you can go to the news vs returning report and choose the view 'Pivot Table'. Then you will have the option to select the dimension to pivot by, in this case we select Browser, and as metrics visits and bounce rate.

However, you want to see the same information but showing in the same screen the top 10 browser. What you can do then is to go to the Browser report and pivot by Visitor type this time.

I've found very useful the pivot feature when comparing keywords, adgroups and/or campaign performance. For instance, if you go to the report Keywords and click in the view pivot you could pivot by Visitor type as we did in the last example.

Interested in more information tips for GA? Visit

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Suburb Matchmaker & Land My Business Waiting for You

At the end of 2009, Suburb Matchmaker, an application that I created with two friends, won the Best Student Entry price in a contest sponsored by the Government 2.0 Taskforce. Once again, Suburb Matchmaker has been submitted to another contest after some additional work that has been done to improve it. This competition is called apps4nsw, and it has the aim to promote the development of creative and innovative applications on web using data from the public sector.

There are three categories available: Ideas, Ideas (students) and Applications. In this opportunity we are participating with an idea that we called 'Land My Business' and with 'Suburb Martchmaker' as application. Although we wanted to submit 'Land my Business' as application after creating the idea last Saturday ( 20th of March 2010) and being nominated as one of the two winners at the recent apps4nsw Hackfest, the submissions were open until yesterday and it was not possible to get ready the domain ready on time. However, we believe that our idea is very useful and we would like to continue developing it as we did with Suburb Matchmaker.

If you want to know more about Suburb Matchmaker and Land my Business, we have posted two short presentations that could give you an idea of both concepts.

- Land My Business Presentation
- Suburb Matchmaker Presentation with Audio

You can find our entries in the contest for Suburb-matchmaker as Application and for Land-my-Business as Idea.

We are open to receive comments, suggestions and any feedback that can help us to improve both concepts.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Asynchronous Tracking Code - Google Analytics

Google Analytics announced a couple of weeks ago the new Asynchronous Tracking Code. Before starting to explain how the new snippet looks like, we would like to tell you why you should use it. When you talk to clients and general users of Google Analytics about installing the tracking code in their sites, some of the concerns that come to mind are:
  • How long time their sites take to be loaded?
  • How many JavaScript functions are they using in their website?
  • How much data I could lost bearing in mind that other JavaScript functions can affect my Google Analytics Tracking Code (GATC)?
  • How much the right execution of the GATC depends of the other JavaScripts installed in the sites?
With the new Asynchornous Tracking Code you no longer have to worry about these issues. Before, the Tracking Code was executed sequentially following the program flow and within the rest of the code included in the website. Using this alternative the tracking code will be executed independently, which means that it does not affect the execution of other processes being processed to load the page correctly.

If you are using heavy custom scripts that makes your website slow to load, you have a site with rich media content and long data or you just want to improve the accuracy of your data collection? Then, we recommend you to migrate from the traditional tracking code snippet to the asynchronous one. It is just an option, you can continue using your traditional tracking code, but you can get lots of benefits with the asynchronous snippet. The next are some of the benefits listed by Google Analytics:

• Faster tracking code load times for your web pages due to improved browser execution
• Enhanced data collection and accuracy
• Elimination of tracking errors from dependencies when the JavaScript hasn't fully loaded

Now, that you know why using the Asynchronous Tracking Code is a good idea, lets have a look to the changes in the snippet and the steps you should follow to do the migration.

Yes, I know, it looks very different, but don't worry, after you finish reading this post you will be able to make the migration and understand how does it work compared to the traditional snippet. We have highlighted the most important change in the snippet, which are related to the initialization of the page tracker object and the call to the trackPageview method.

First of all, for the traditional tracking code we use the variable _gat and for the asynchronous _gaq. Both of them are global objects and perform similar functions but are called different. Secondly, in the traditional form, we declare a variable pageTracker and we initialize the page tracker object using the method _getTracker, which has as parameter the web property ID (Account to track). Subsequently we call the method _trackPageview which extracts the cookie values from the URL, and create or update the document object.

In the asynchronous tracking snippet we create a global variable _gaq, which will call the method push but with different parameters. The mothod push is used in the new tracking snippet to execute the commands passed as parameters, where the each parameter is an array of commands. The first time we call push we pass the array ['_setAccount','UA-XXXXX-YY'] to set the account, and the second time we call push we pass the array ['_trackPageview']. What we can see until here? well, comparing the traditional and asynchronous snippets we can figure out that in each array passed as parameter to the function push, the first element of the command array is the method we want to execute and the rest are the parameters for that method. For instance, UA-XXXXX-YY is the parameter for _setAccount and_trackPageview in the standard mode doesn't have any parameters.

The methods used above are for the simplest or standard use of the tracking code; however, all the functions available in the traditional tracking code can be implemented with the asynchronous snippet. You only need to pass to the method 'push' the right command arrays. For example, if you are using cross-domain or tracking multiple domains you could pass as parameter to the push method ['_setDomain', 'none'] and ['_setAllowLinker', true], which would be equivalent to pageTracker._setDomainName('none') and pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true) in the traditional snippet.

We know that most of you are already using the GA with other tools such as Website Optimizer. Don't worry you can continue using them with asynchronous snippet. The next is an example of Asynchronous GATC with GWO for a multivariate experiment.

Although we could show you hundred of examples showing the equivalent functions between the traditional and the asynchronous snippets, we have decided to give you a brief description and idea of the benefits you will get with the asynchronous tracking code as well as some tips in case you decide to install it.

By experience, the easiest scenario is if you don't have installed any Google Analytics Tracking Code (GACT). In that situation you just have to put the asynchronous tracking snippet shown above at the bottom of the head tag in your website. However, if you have installed GACT already, we suggest to follow the next recommendations or tips to be sure that the migration is performed successfully.
  1. Choose a simple page or website where you want to try the asynchronous tracking code by first time.
  2. Take a backup of the pages you will modify with the new snippet and then remove any existing tracking code you have in them.
  3. Forget about placing the GACT at the end of your web page (before closing the tag) because the Asynchronous will be installed at the top of the page, just after the head tag. If you have more calls to scripts included in the head section, put the tracking code as the last script in that section.
  4. Because of the function push is used all the time, you could simplify the code, passing several command arrays in the same call to the push function. e.g _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X'],['_setDomain', ''],['_trackPageview']);
  5. If you want to use event tracking and e-commerce visit the Asynchronous Tracking Usage Guide for more information.
I hope you can start using the asynchronous tracking code, and enjoying the benefits of this.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2009: A Year To Remember?

After all, yes. 2009 it's a year we will not forget specially for those like me that became immersed in the world of Web Analytics. Different vendors were really busy during 2009 trying to provide the best for their clients and to beat competition. I recog the hard work done for most of them bearing in mind the fast changes in Web Analytics trends.

Let's see which features where launched in 2009 from some of the biggest vendors.

Google Analytics
  • Track Google Site
  • Integration of AdSense and GA
  • Integration of Google Ad Planner and GA
  • Share custom reports and advanced segments
  • Advanced Segments for Event Tracking
  • Google Analytics Export API
  • Increase number of Goals and new Goal Types
  • Expanded Mobile Reporting
  • Advanced Table Filtering
  • Unique Visitor Metric
  • Multiple Custom Variables
  • Analytics Intelligence Report
  • New Asynchronous Tracking Code
  • Annotations
To see more information about it, last 31st of December the Official Google Analytics Blog posted a month by month breakdown of new features launches from 2009, being the last quarter of the year the one with more significant features launched.

  • Social Media Measurement
  • Multivariate Testing
  • Analytics 9 that came with Annotations, real-time update for key metrics, and streamlined graphics.
  • WebTrends Self Service Access and Collection API
  • Mobile Measurement
  • Campaign Cloning feature
  • Social Media Measurement with the SiteCatalyst Extension
  • Twitter tracking application
  • Omniture SiteSearch
After a complete year of changes and introduction of great features, what most of the vendors coincide is that 2010 comes with new needs to measure our online marketing and websites performance based on Social Media and Mobile Tracking.